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How Building Best Link Strategies for your Site

Google no longer considers guest posting for SEO purposes as a valid practice, thanks to spammers. In fact, many SEO companies also misused this facility seeing it as an easy target for link building.

However, people now-a-days have become extra-attentive. Guest posting for SEO Link Building is still practiced by marketers, but in a careful manner. Google algorithms actively work to look for such posts and dodgy backlinks. Just one such link or post is enough to put you in the danger penalty zone of Google.
With such strict penalties and restricted posting, what are the best ways to build links for your site?
Careful Guest Posting
As I wrote above, guest posting is still a valid method if practiced in a careful manner.
Guest posting was banned to avoid spam over the web. However, with a change in approach and honest intent, you can still include a link in your post. If you write for a site, ensure that the site is transparent about its objectives and regulations. Also, dofollow links are a big no-no.
By careful guest posting, I mean:
  • Top-notch quality with no grammatical and spelling errors
  • About 1,000 words per post
  • Contain new ideas that should be new for the web
  • Have a bio of the author at the end of the post. Include G+ profile link to be on the safer side.
  • No plagiarism
  • Relevant to the industry
  • Shouldn’t include any third-party site link in between the content
  • Valid source of the information in the article
The initial approach
When you approach editors of different sites for guest posting, it is suggested that you include your portfolio to give a decent first impression. No editor will consider your application if they sense it as spam.
Needless to say, good content is the best way to impress an editor. Include that you wish to submit more than one post. Editors look for prolific writers that can regularly offer good content.
Your foremost objective shall be to develop a long-term working relationship with the editor. Don’t keep your prime intentions as to post a dofollow link on his website anyhow. Sneaking a link in the content body would get detected easily.
At most, you can think of including a link in your bio profile. Great and regular guest posts written in a legitimate manner would soon drive traffic onto your site and improve your rankings as well.
The Bio profile
Bio profile space should be used judiciously. Use optimized keywords and precisely. Overuse of keywords would look fishy to the readers.
To make it look clean and genuine, keep it short and include your G+ profile link and your blog/site link. Not only does it appear much more natural, but interested readers would automatically check out your blog/site to read more of your written content.

Other Link Building Strategies

Guest posting is not everyone’s cup of tea. Look beyond it for link building. Have a look at the following activities:
1. Directory listing
Even with link building through listing on directories, you need to be extremely cautious.
Don’t just use any directory for your work. Find only high quality directories to build links. Secondly, submitting on irrelevant directories also won’t fetch you any good. Submit links to only industry relevant sites.
Directory listing - Best Link Building Strategies for Your Site
The question arises, ‘how to identify whether a directory is good or bad?’
At first, use your intuition power. A directory with dating website banners in advertisement column should be discarded straightaway. Secondly, check its Domain Authority and ranking on Google. If you’ve read the earlier content posted on this site, you’d know by now how to do so.
The easiest way to gain backlinks is through comments on relevant sites. But again, judicious use of this option is the key. Comment only when there’s something unique or extraordinary.
Comments - Best Link Building Strategies for Your Site
When someone leaves a comment on your guest post, reply to it. Prompt replies strengthen relationships. Community involvement is the wisest way to build links.
3. Forum posts
Make use of forums effectively without overdoing it. Add only relevant replies to the on-going conversation in different threads.
Forum posts - Best Link Building Strategies for Your Site
Posting throwaway comments anywhere and everywhere would do no good to your reputation in the industry. Instead, develop your image as a thought leader who knows his industry well and cares to share important information with others.
4. Article directories
Article directory submission isn’t one of the best option to build links for your site. But nevertheless, it’s still an option!
Article directories - Best Link Building Strategies for Your Site
While it is a comparatively safer link building option compared to the rest, article directories are said to product low quality content. Hence, if not for spamming, Google algorithms would sooner or later penalize you for the content issue.
5. Press release
Many news houses await interesting stories that are well written. You can probably cash upon this option to tactfully put your link in the text body.
Press release
A great event, a new and innovative product or an event of charity could be turned into an interesting press release. Produce and distribute it widely to receive the best possible response. If you’re lucky and your press release is worth the limelight, you never know when a reputed news site might consider it.
Remember, great content should be your first priority, and not link building. Even reputed site owners link back to interesting content automatically, thereby contributing to your link building process.
Conclusion - Best Link Building Strategies for Your SiteGreat content is the best way to build your link and enhance your Google rankings. There are lot many things you can do to promote your site’s content. That way, you won’t need to chase links. Rather others will chase you to link back.
Remember, there’s no shortcut to success! If you want to build links, do it in the most legitimate way through means of delightful content. Shortcuts are way too risky to put your reputation and business on stake.
You may like this video ( 10 Surprising Facts About Google )
Hope the tips above on Link Building is helpful for you all, don’t forget to drop down your valuable suggestions and feedback through comments.

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